
Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 329 – Your Self Expression With Inner Alignment Mind and Heart

Inner Growth

Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 329 – Your Self Expression With Inner Alignment Mind and Heart

Exploring self expression with inner alignment mind and heart; how the inner growth journey, mindset and lifestyle get you to see and pursue your explorations of this in cosmic consciousness; how it is always a choice at your disposal, accessible by you in any and all moments; what changes this brings to your life when faced with life moments and circumstances; how mind and heart flow are a part of the process too; why your higher infinite human potential is always a major player and accessible through your ability to tap into your higher cosmic consciousness; and how the determining factor will always be you, your belief in life and yourself and whether or not you allow your heart to lead the way in flow with unconditional love and neutrality towards self and others, particularly when the unknown elements of life, the void space of tomorrow's unknown, presents itself to your conscious mind.

Tune in to the Inspiring Human Potential podcast on Anchor to hear more on the topic 😊


Inner Growth Mindset Topic of Day

The complete expression of your ego/self is one that holds the mind and heart of you in harmony.  You find this inner alignment through exploring the feelings and thoughts that arise with unconditional love and neutrality.  It is in this place that you bring mind and heart to the same page, while processing the items that are not on the same page and the contrasting/upset feelings.  Usually you grow from this moment of inner reflection and express the version of your ego/self that you choose to express versus a reactionary one that can also include hurt or unwanted thoughts to the external (others, life, your person, etc.).  It is thanks to your knowing that growth is always what comes from a mind and heart that are in conflict that you also begin to detach the feeling of ego/self expression to the external.  It becomes a complete process between you and you, while the external is what gets you to go there.


Inner Growth Mindset Exploration of the Day

Achieving a complete expression of your ego/self is a continuous work of awareness of it and its needs, while respecting the external’s ego/self expression.  This external can be a person, a life event, a career choice, and so on.  It is anything that is not a part of your inner world and that you encounter along the day-to-day.  In being aware of you and knowing that your personal expression has everything to do with the mind and heart of you, things are approached with that in mind.  The choice of neutrality and love are what help you to maintain a state of calm while dealing with emotions and/or clashes with the external’s personal expression.  In going within, you find a way to share what you want through the ample vocabulary at your disposal, gestures that are mild and firm, as well as an open mind and heart that is speaking their personal viewpoints without the limit of what is felt when someone is in defense mode, in closed mind and heart.

For access to the Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Exercises of The Day on the IHP blog Click Here 😊

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