Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 223 – Embracing Humanity For All That It Is
Exploring embracing humanity for all that it is; how the inner growth journey, mindset and lifestyle get you to see and pursue your explorations of this in cosmic consciousness; how it is always a choice at your disposal, accessible by you in any and all moments; what changes this brings to your life when faced with life moments and circumstances; how mind and heart flow are a part of the process too; why your higher infinite human potential is always a major player and accessible through your ability to tap into your higher cosmic consciousness; and how the determining factor will always be you, your belief in life and yourself and whether or not you allow your heart to lead the way in flow with unconditional love and neutrality towards self and others, particularly when the unknown elements of life, the void space of tomorrow's unknown, presents itself to your conscious mind.
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Inner Growth Mindset Topic of Day
Humanity has so many qualities that amaze you as you get to know them through your inner growth journey. The ability to work through so many emotions and thoughts, so many circumstances that are meaningful to the heart and mind, to others and sometimes even the world at large when it comes to the things we do together when we collaborate from a place of love, understanding, and compassion. To learn all this from within you as an individual, enables you to embrace the same in others because you realize that humanity has a whole lot of heart, just sometimes the heart isn’t so visible due to it needing to be discovered, appreciated, accepted completely, and embraced first by the person who owns it, you.
Inner Growth Mindset Exploration of the Day
All that you can be depends on all you believe humanity can be and vice versa. The two go hand-in-hand because you are human and what you deem possible for others you will automatically deem possible (or not possible) for yourself. Thanks to the pursuit of inner growth from cosmic consciousness and with unconditional love and neutrality in duality, you become aware of the infinite possibilities of explorations that your mind and heart can do together, as well as apart. As you get to the depths of your heart and find flow with the mind, you uncover all the layers that others have as well. This discovery is what leads you to the complete awe and embrace of all that you recognize humanity to be, through also who you choose to be as the human you are in your every day, word, action, thought, and so on.
Inner Growth Mindset Exercise of the Day
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