Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 102 – Practice What You Preach Through Inner Growth
Exploring practicing what you preach through inner growth; how unconditional love that goes both ways is always part of the equation; the role of consciously keeping in mind what it means to be human, mind and heart; how deciding what your identity is with ownership and dedication from heart with love and understanding also plays a role; and the impact of mindset when it's geared to a focus on you, your inner world, your mind and heart, your infinite human potential space, what you bring forth, and the growth that can come with practicing what you preach.
Tune in to the Inspiring Human Potential podcast on Anchor to hear more on the topic 😊
Inner Growth Mindset Topic of Day
To practice what you preach takes a good amount of introspection, focus on you without taking bias towards self or others, and an abundance of unconditional love and love of learning. These are some of the aspects that you consistently embrace through inner growth, which allow you to practice what you preach from the heart and mind in unison with the human elements of you, the essence of you, and the unknown of life elements that always present themselves. It’s quite the fascinating journey when you explore thoughts and feelings regarding practice what you preach aspects from your cosmic consciousness and neutrality in duality. You learn much about the areas of self-love that you can add, and much of the love you can add to others, due to a mindset geared towards pursuing the infinite human potential space in your every day and overall life.
Inner Growth Mindset Exploration of the Day
Shifting your focus on your inner world and allowing yourself the time to go to the depths of it is something that is assisted with the aspect of practicing what you preach (from a place of raised consciousness to cosmic consciousness exploration). The key is staying in this awareness mode with what you preach and unconditional love at heart (that goes both ways), while not excluding yourself from being able to not meet that saying. You gain the most growth from the external challenges that will present the opposite of what you preach and tell you that you are not practicing what you preach. Thanks to your desire to grow your inner person, to be you, to take ownership of you (mind and heart), you work with a focus on you and therefore take every experience to a place of higher infinite human potential where you learn more love, expand your view through the mind and incorporate the knowledge that differing views from your own don’t equal something to feel or think of as threat to you (self or ego).
Inner Growth Mindset Exercise of the Day
For access to the Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Exercises of The Day on the IHP blog Click Here 😊