The keys to inner growth and following your heart
About IHP energy transmission videos:
- As an energy healer, I am creating IHP energy transmission videos that channel energy from the Universal-love infused energy through the duration of the video into you to support your infinite higher human consciousness potential journey.
You can consider these videos like a meditation or mental and emotional processing inner growth exercise that infuses you and the topic at hand with unconditional love and compassion.
The Universal-love infused energy is always sent for your highest and best good and the highest and best good for all involved.
The IHP energy transmission videos support your Inspiring Human Potential Inner Growth journey, mindset, and lifestyle choices; your IHP 5D self-empowerment with the potential choice of enlightenment or other soul-age group journey; your infinite higher human potential life lived from the heart and as you in all that you are “vices and virtues”, and in all that you seek to achieve through your personal development and human experience journey and choices.
These are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services.
Much unconditional love to you all xox,
IHP Inner Growth Mentorship
Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions
The length of Personalized Energy Transmission Sessions are between 15-30 minutes on average, no more than 45-60 minutes.
You Find the Energy Exchange Donation button at the end of the page. You Pay What You Wish.
Personalized Sessions Are Not Available At This Time
Personalized IHP Inner Growth Mentorship
Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions
Your Personalized IHP-IG Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Session will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube Private settings – I need your email to do this. Here you can read about YouTube’s privacy settings and how the Private setting works:
Request your Personalized IHP-IG Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Session by email.
- Email subject line: Personalized IHP-IG Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Session
- Include details on what charged emotional and mental patterns you want to clear and apply the inner growth journey, mindset and lifestyle approach to.
- For example: I want to clear charged emotional and mental patterns around my job because it is creating a lot of stress and weighing me down.
- Add anything you feel is important for me to know to support your emotional and mental pattern clearing with the Universal-love energy’s assistance.
- Also provide your full name and consent to the Universal-love energy channeling as we do on the public videos, but since yours is prepared privately I need your written consent as shown below, with your signature (which can be typed out in the email)Yes, I, ___(Full Name)____, am open and receptive to the channeling of Universal-love energy channeled through Maria Florio into me and acknowledge fully that this Universal-love energy is always sent for my highest and best good.Signature (Full Name), Date MM/DD/YYYY
- Make sure I have the right email address to share the video with Privately on YouTube. Also, if there are any issues when you receive the link, please let me know. I have had problems in the past, but YouTube's support team should help.
- If you do not receive a reply from me to your email within 10 business days, reach out to me on LinkedIn or the IHP’s Facebook page.
Expectations after I reply to your email:
Expect your Personalized video within 10-45 business days from when I reply to your email.
The length of Personalized Energy Transmission Sessions are between 15-30 minutes on average, no more than 45-60 minutes.
You Find the Energy Exchange Donation button at the end of the page. You Pay What You Wish.
The IHP Inner Growth Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions are Ideal For
Ideal for everyone who is on a personal development, conscious living, mindfulness, and/or enlightenment journey; people who are seeking to adapt an inner growth mindset that enables them to transform all challenges to opportunities, to be all they can be, in their own unique way, and triumph from the heart and the mind in flow.
It was created with the IHP community in mind, to share an application of the inner growth journey, mindset, and lifestyle approach. Always in an effort to support and provide the community members with additional guidance content alongside what is already available on the IHP website, blog, and podcast to favor everyone's inner growth journey, following your heart, and believing in yourself, your unique spark and ways <3
As an energy healer, integrating Universal-love energy transmission sessions to further support a person's infinite higher human consciousness potential journey is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time due to the benefits, the sense of ease it can provide to the body, heart and mind.
Our human body's energy is, as we learn throughout the IHP podcast episodes (when the topic arises), our emotions: e-motions - energy-in motion.
Our electromagnetic field that interacts with the world, aka multi-layered energy system or aura, comprises seven energy bodies: etheric body, emotional body, mental body, astral body, ethereal body, celestial body, and causal body.
Documentaries and subject matters of interest related to our body's energetic/cellular makeup, although not directly related to the topic of energy body and energy therapy such as Reiki: e-motion and/or Heal (documentaries). Material on epigenetics and neuroscience, and quantum physics (subject matters).
Reiki and other types of Energy Healing have been labeled in the past as fake or “woo-woo”, but recently you will find that this has changed.
Reiki and other types of energy healing have been added to the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) category. Here are some links for those who are interested in the subject:
These (Reiki and other types of energy healing) are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services, nor are any/all of the IHP content and mentorship offerings or consulting services provided by Maria Florio and/or Event Guardian Angel Planner, LLC.
Also to note, all Inspiring Human Potential Inner Growth Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions, tarot and oracle readings or Akashic record readings are NOT a substitute for professional advice or services. Event Guardian Angel Planner, LLC and/or Maria Florio is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. You are responsible for your own life and decisions.
Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy are all linked below in the footer.
IHP Inner Growth Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions
Energy Exchange Donation
These mediums (Reiki and other types of energy healing) are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services, nor are any/all of the IHP content and mentorship offerings or consulting services provided by Maria Florio and/or Event Guardian Angel Planner, LLC.
Also to note, all Inspiring Human Potential Inner Growth Mentorship Universal-Love Energy Transmission Sessions, tarot readings, and/or Akashic record readings are NOT a substitute for professional advice or services. Event Guardian Angel Planner, LLC and/or Maria Florio is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. You are responsible for your own life and decisions.
Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy are all linked below in the footer.

Your biggest IHP supporter & fan!
If you have any issues with the buttons, links or navigating the site please reach out. Email: <3