Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 79 – Embracing The Unknown From The Heart
Exploring embracing the unknown from the heart; what this means and how it helps you find continuous centeredness when the unknown strikes, as well as grow self-empowerment from the heart and mind through and through; why an inner growth journey and mindset help to make the process flowing and natural from your already existing heart and mind collaboration; what the challenges that arise help with in mastering your inner power from the heart with the unknown; and how you acquire a different relationship with the unknown completely when you are continuously raising your consciousness to your inner world to work through the uncertainty in a heart-centered loving way from within you through and through.
Tune in to the Inspiring Human Potential podcast on Anchor to hear more on the topic 😊
Inner Growth Mindset Topic of Day
The unknown is something the mind can't conceive due to it being unknown, invisible, uncertain. The heart however, even though it also doesn't see the unknown, it can learn to not feel in panic or afraid. This is the power of working with our inner world, with our emotions, when facing the unknown. It is this emotional world that can get you to embrace the unknown and then also through the mind, learn to see it in darkness without fearing it.
Inner Growth Mindset Exploration of the Day
When you are on an inner growth journey you are raising your consciousness to your cosmic consciousness to explore mind and heart together with all the human elements, essence of you elements, and unknown life elements that the two together can explore from your higher consciousness. Through this and the mindset you learn to take the unknown and work with it by exploring your inner world's reaction first. You take a look at the feelings and thoughts and decide how you can provide comfort to the mind and heart by reworking what possible steps you can take and growing the feeling of trust in you and life. It is an amazing journey thanks to the feelings that come from embracing the unknown which holds nothing for you, but that when you use your heart to see becomes less of nothing and more of you. Accompany this with your mind, and you start learning that you can still think about possible solutions and outcomes even when the unknown doesn't have anything visible for you yet.
Inner Growth Mindset Exercise of the Day
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