Inspiring Human Potential – Inner Growth Mindset Insight of The Day 193 – The Beauty Of Doing You From The Heart - IHP-IG Real Talk
Our IHP-IG Real Talk content and episodes explore topics around being yourself for real, from the heart, your heart; with your mind and heart flow achievable through your inner growth journey, mindset, and lifestyle. Today we discuss the beauty of doing you from the heart.
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Inner Growth Mindset Topic of Day
When there is love to lead the way the steps you take always lead you to the beauty of you, the growth of you, the expansion of you, and more of what makes this life of yours go round. Others embark on this journey as well, even though their ways may not resonate or match with your heart. It is through that additional exchange of human life and interaction that you get to exercise doing you from the heart with nothing but love to lead the way, to lead your every word and action, to lead as you want your fellow peers and world to treat you, and act with you. There are always wonderful options available to you mind and heart when your cosmic consciousness is in these loving heart-felt choices that keep in mind all that being human means, living in a world with differences, and with the unknown elements of life that are always at bay in the conscious mind that is actively pursuing inner growth.
Inner Growth Mindset Exploration of the Day
The fact that doing you from the heart can be so beautiful grows from the aspect of reworking all feelings to find flow with your person, while also respecting the external as is and therefore not seeing it as this enemy or clash to your person (just not your person, you). As you find inner harmony with who you are from the heart, alongside mind and heart harmony with the external that is not you, you allow the love you hold to grow for self, life, others, the unknown and so on. This consciousness choice is what reworks any conflict or limited feeling reaction from within at mind and heart, which gets you to pursue inner growth on the topic at hand, as well as expand the concept to a new space. The new space is infinitely accessed as you get more and more familiar with being in the higher infinite human potential of you mind and heart with unconditional love in the forefront, as well as neutrality in duality.
Inner Growth Mindset Exercise of the Day
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